Certified Wander

Though the big picture was pretty drab, up close there was a lot to see — especially the ice, which was a world onto itself.
Follow along on this narrated wander, then check out this video to see what the river looked like just two weeks later.
In the middle of the winter, the spring you dream about is sunny and warm and green and dry. The road to get there, though, is none of those things, even when winter says goodbye. It’s dreary and muddy and sometimes even out to get you. But that doesn’t mean you sit by the window and wait. Besides, there’s beauty in the transitions if you’re willing to look for it.
While spring might not have been ready to show itself on this wander, I knew that what remained of winter wouldn’t be around much longer, so I set off on what I call the “Landing Trail” — the string of little boat landings that dot the banks of the rivers around here.